About Me

There is always something a bit strange when trying to  write about myself. And that thing is a fact: I cant really be  objective, no matter how hard I try to see my own person from outside. My brain simply wont let me! So, I will resume this page to a shortened version of my life story. I hope I wont bother anyone, and, If I do, there is always the gallery page in my website to take a brake from an uninteresting text.

I was born in an old intellectual family in a beautiful September day. I don't recall how beautiful it actually was, but, according to  my mother, it was too hot and the ambulance was stuck in traffic. Yet, I was civil enough to  wait till the hospital to see the world. Traffic still bugs me to the present day!

Growing up I was always competing with my cat when it came to curiosity. With one difference: while she  just satisfied her impulse and stored the info as she found it, for me, the fascinating part was disassembling things and reassembling them into something new (often useless things with a big set of extra spare parts). So I was an artist: I was creative, not really useful and I made a lot of mess around myself.  I also asked annoying questions like "why", "how", or "what". The "Who" question came much later.

I really loved school. I really did! For me, everything there was easy and fun. I never understood kids that couldn't spell or count (same guys cant do it today either) Playing outside was fun and challenging, no doubt, but nothing could beat the thrills of Captain Cook's travels and adventures, Jules Verne's futuristic imagination or about what is to do  when you are stranded like Robinson Crusoe.

I also loved to paint. The first abstract (for others) work of art that I remember creating (oh, I love this word!) was and the age 3. For me, it was a landscape where the Sun was terrified by a mad storm cloud. It was so obvious, why everybody else called it abstract?!

At 14, I started expanding the world of colours much beyond painting. It was the moment when I first experimented the dark room lab for the colour photography. It was quite different and more complicated than black and white process. I also  became popular when  discovered makeup (on others). It was so  fascinating to  turn the ugly duck into a swan. The most rewarding was the duck/swan's reaction in the mirror. Chemistry and Phisics also helpd a lot. Biology really made it possible.

I liked Math a lot, especially 3D Geometry. Applying that into  real life among girls was priceless. Your guess is good, I started making my own clothing and I turned it public like I did with the makeup. But all those pothat popularity was temporary as I was changing schools more than an usual kid does, due to my father's travellings for work. I practically grew up allover Europe and, put together, places where I studied and work myself, it made me a true European citizen.

Remember the disassembling stage of my life? Well, I never quite grew out of it and together with my other talents led me to just one possible place: Art School. One other thing that fitted me like a glove (those annoying questions that I was keep asking as a kid proved useful in the end) was Journalism. The trhils, the power, the curiosity, the search, the access and the writing were quite addictive. Pity that in some places a job like that is paying peanuts.

So, here I am today, trying to  combine everything I know, love, like and I am good at , to merge all that together into someone that I hope you would like to meet.

Did I mentioned that I have people skills? You haven't  turned to  the Gallery Page before finishing this text, I knew you wouldn't. See? People skills, I told you!

Oops, I did it again! I wrote so much that it will take ages for this page to load. Therefore, go to Gallery and enjoy the pictures. They are all black and white. More artistic that way! ;)

And one more thing before you go, I know that you want some "technical" details about me so  here they are: I am 26 y.o, dark blonde, long hair, green eyes, white skin, slim- 47 kg, 165 cm in height (5.5"), of Geman-Hungarian-Romanian heritage, a very active person, fit, energic, open minded, having a lot of common sense, honest and straightforward., decent and elegant.